Dear friends,

Welcome to Taiwan Offshore Wind Unredacted. For 2022 and beyond, I plan to make this publication the indispensable source of info on Taiwan’s offshore wind development.

I am your guide, Angelica Oung, formerly of the Taipei Times and ReNews. I’ve worked hard to become the trusted name in the industry and to build an understanding of the complex ecosystem that must rapidly mature to bring clean, renewable wind energy to Taiwan’s grid. It is my mission to help you navigate this promising but unpredictable market with first-hand, in-depth coverage.

It’s been a spectacularly interesting subject as a reporter as it involves enormous projects, evolving technology, cultural clash, political wrangling, colorful personalities and, oh yes, super awesome vessels.

It wasn’t an easy decision to quit my job to start my own business and I would like to thank all the support that I received from the industry, both in the form of encouragement and in terms of actual backing. The SGRE team gave me a comprehensive tour of the port of Taichung to show exactly where the infrastructure needs to be improved to accommodate the volume of huge components coming through in the upcoming years. TIWTC and CWind Taiwan are helping me obtain my GWO certification. That certification is in turn going to allow me to join the Motive Offshore Group team on their vessel and see first-hand how they get hydraulics and cable equipment ready to deploy.

I want to tell your stories, and in the process, help the young offshore wind industry still going through its growing pains here in Taiwan work just a little bit better.

I will not be working alone. I have a crack lineup of contributors including some of the best reporters working on the Chinese side covering offshore as well as perspectives from industry insiders. Please bear with us while we build up our bilingual content library.

In the meantime, do leave your email below to be informed when our pieces are published. The first one, on Taichung harbor, will be comprehensive and not to be missed.

Angelica Oung

Managing Editor, Taiwan Offshore Wind Unredacted